Create Rich, Hybrid Pedagogical Experiences

Leave aside LMS implementations mostly serving as a repository of resources. Arkeen takes you to the next stage to deliver engaging digital learning experiences.

Key features

Arkeen product screenshot - text editor

Intuitive content publication

Easy-to-use content builder allowing you to combine various content types (text, images, videos, app embeds) and manipulate course structure with absolute flexibility.

Arkeen product screenshot - content block selector

Multiple assignment types

Keep learners engaged by using a variety of assignment types to reinforce and validate acquisitions : MCQs, short-form questions, long-form questions, AI interactions.

Arkeen product screenshot - chat interface

Built-in discussion environment

Leverage activity feeds, chat interactions and comments to drive learners' online engagement in a familiar "Slack-like" interface.

Arkeen product screenshot - quiz progress reporting

Advanced analytics

Bird's eye view reporting on leaners' progress, with advanced filtering options letting you drill down to a full recap of an individual learner interactions with the learning content.

Best in class for cohort-based education

Evidence shows that pure online learning and MOOCs often fall short of learner expectations, with low completion rates.

In contrast, cohort-based learning, or SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses), add a crucial social element to online education. Combining asynchronous content with live Q&A sessions and interactive classes, this hybrid model significantly boosts engagement.

Our partners' cohort-based programs achieve a 95%+ completion rate, and we have tailored our solution to deliver these rich learning experiences. As a program manager, you’ll have access to all the tools necessary for success.

  • Instant creation of a new cohorts
  • Customisable start and end dates
  • Progress tracking and reporting for each cohort
  • Content versioning across cohorts
  • Live content editing within a cohort 

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