Company DNA


Our mission is to deliver to educators the best possible platform to fulfil their pedagogic and societal mission. We take this responsibility very seriously and with sincere commitment. While we also serve corporate customers, we are dedicated to being an education-first company, always prioritising the needs of educators and learners.

Ubeeko founder picture (Ghislain Mazars)
Illustration with Leonardo da Vinci quote "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

UX and Design

We aim to build a learning platform “for the rest of us.” This entails delivering the simplest UX for course administrators and professors to create pedagogic material, distribute it to learners, track engagement, and retrieve deliverables. We prioritize an end-user-first approach, working closely with our partners to focus on essential features and avoid the unnecessary complexity often found in other LMS solutions.

Thoughtful innovation

We are committed to integrating AI into the learning experience thoughtfully and effectively. While AI can explore new possibilities, it cannot autonomously design qualitative pedagogical sequences nor embed them in a social context. Therefore, we prioritise a careful and measured rollout of AI features, derived from extensive testing and refinement to ensure they actually contribute value in the learning process.

Team collaborating on product innovation